Great Lakes Psychology Group Blog
A woman in therapy, discussing the myths about therapy.

5 Myths About Therapy

If you’ve never been to therapy, your references for what to expect may consist of misleading sources like pop culture and entertainment media which tend to offer inaccurate portrayals of…

A photo of a woman with a serious look on her face, while holding her face in her hands.

Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: Symptoms and Treatment

The terms “anxiety” and “panic” may be used interchangeably in conversation, but mental health professionals use these phrases to describe unique processes. Someone with anxiety may or may not experience…

difference between sadness and depression

The Difference Between Sadness and Depression

Have you ever felt down and wondered, is this depression? It’s normal to feel sad, irritable, or low now and then - so at what point does sadness become depression?…

A woman helping her child with adjusting to remote learning.

3 Tips for Adjusting to Remote Learning

Worried about your child adjusting to remote learning? The beginning of a new school year is upon us, and many parents of school-aged children are facing the specific challenges that…