Child & Teen Page 2 of 3 Great Lakes Psychology Group
10 Tips for Disciplining your child

10 Tips for Disciplining Your Child

Post by Theresa K. Cooke MA, LMSW, LLP Enforcing consequences for your child's behavior is a challenging yet necessary task. Read on for 10 tips for disciplining your child, so you…

Should My Child See a Therapist?

Anxiety vs. ADHD in Kids

Does your child or other loved one have difficulty concentrating, poor performance at school, heightened reactivity to situations, sleep disturbances, restlessness, and distractibility? If so, you are likely aware of…

A photo of a mother sitting on the couch with her child, while they are both hugging.

10 Tips for Disciplining Your Child

GLPG therapist Theresa K. Cooke MA, LMSW, LLP provides 10 helpful ways to ease the challenging task of enforcing consequences for your child's behavior. Here are 10 Tips for Disciplining…

A photo of a mother and daughter sitting on a white couch, while the mother has her arms around her daughter and they have a serious expression on their faces.

How to Help Your Child through a Divorce

Not sure how to help your child through a divorce? GLPG network clinician Tanya Tietema, MA, LLP answers some common questions and misconceptions about divorce and how the decision may impact your…

eating disorders prevention

Teenage Eating Disorders: Tips for Prevention

People who intentionally starve themselves suffer from an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa. The disorder, which usually begins in young people around the time of puberty, involves extreme weight loss…

A photo of a woman looking out to the left, while her hands are interlocked and her chin is resting on her hands.

Coping with the Loss of a Child

Coping with the loss of a child is a seemingly insurmountable task, and absolutely one of the most devastating of losses. When a child dies, as a parent you mourn…