12 Compulsive Shopping Symptoms

Compulsive shopping is a very real issue affecting millions, yet many people take it lightly or deny its existence. Upwards of 6% of the U.S. adult population shops compulsively, and most of these are women; however, the prevalence is increasing in men, as evidenced by this eye-opening article about the Gucci buying issue faced by Buzz Bissinger, famous author of Friday Night Lights. Overall, compulsion tends to manifest in people in their teens or early 20s, rapidly becoming a chronic issue with long-term implications.
At what point does simple splurging become a full-blown problem? Excessive shopping can be defined by the characteristics of inappropriate, excessive, and out-of-control spending.
Several key compulsive shopping symptoms include:
- Shopping as a result of feeling lonely, angry, depressed, or anxious
- Arguments with others about shopping
- Feelings of anxiety and anger without credit cards or the ability to shop
- Spending primarily with credit
- Feelings of euphoria while spending
- Lying about spending or hiding purchases
- Thinking obsessively about money and goods
- Spending a lot of time adjusting bills and accounts to fit in spending
- Forgoing responsibilities, such as paying bills, to accommodate shopping
- Feelings of depression and guilt after purchases
- Avoiding looking at spending and bank statements
- Setting up secret credit cards to avoid the judgment of a spouse
Both sexes have seen a rise in compulsive shopping. According to a 2006 Stanford University study, about 6% of women and 5.5% of men are compulsive shoppers [CNN].
Different theories abound as to the cause of compulsive shopping, but the overall consensus is that this type of shopper is compulsively spending to relieve emotional tension and to experience a “high” from fulfilling this harmful behavior. The emotional pain ranges from self-esteem issues to childhood trauma to a genetic predisposition. Compulsive shopping has been compared to other harmful habits relating to food and alcohol, with a binge-purge cycle and feelings of extreme guilt and self-hate.
The previously mentioned Stanford study found that compulsive shoppers were mostly young people, consistent with research that the clinical issue usually starts in the late teens to early 20′s. Could it be a sign of the times? It’s easier than ever to spend money one doesn’t have, and young people are undergoing more and more financial stress. Also factoring into compulsive shopping is the massive increase in accessibility to shopping through the internet and mobile devices – it’s easier than ever to hide spending sprees, or to track down desired items and perceived “deals”.
While behavioral changes are crucial to recovery from any harmful habit, equally important is reaching out for help. If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the compulsive shopping symptoms listed above, schedule an appointment with a therapist from the Great Lakes Psychology Group netwrok today.
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