Abuse Counseling in Schaumburg

Abuse Counseling in Schaumburg

  • Online Therapy Available
  • Flexible Payment Plans
  • Insurance Accepted

You don't have to recover alone.

While many of us think of abuse as physical, it can take many other forms such as psychological abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse as well. Abuse isn’t about being a victim; it’s about being a survivor. With counseling, not only can you build the confidence to remove yourself from negative situations and relationships but you can heal from the damage they have already caused.

Types of Abuse

Child Cultural Emotional Psychological Physical Sexual

Did you know?

About 20 people per minute are abused by an intimate partner. Approximately 35.6 percent of women and 28.5 percent of men in the U.S. have been a victim of a type of abuse. An American is sexually assaulted every 92 seconds.

It takes time to heal after abuse of any kind.

The intense emotions that you are left with after being the victim of abuse can remain with you for years to come. Ignoring an immediate abusive situation can pose a life-threatening risk. Failing to deal with abuse after you are out of an abusive relationship can also have risks, such as PTSD, depression, relationship issues, and behavioral problems.

Whether the abuse you endured occurred days ago or years ago, it can continue to affect you day after day. Continuously thinking about the abuse, constantly wondering if you are safe, and going through the details over and over again can make it difficult to go about your day. You might find it difficult to concentrate at school or work. You might avoid all social interactions which can make you feel even more isolated.

Abuse counseling can be the help you need.

No one should have to deal with immediate or the aftermath of abuse alone. In addition to the therapeutic techniques that our network of counselors use, we can offer you the compassionate and supportive environment you deserve.

Counseling at Great Lakes Psychology Group is safe and confidential. We understand the dangers that come with being in an abusive relationship and therefore we handle every situation with the utmost care and respect. We will work with you, at your own pace, to recognize the signs of abuse, develop a plan to overcome it, and then work through any lingering feelings. You are not alone. We are here for you.

    Online. In-person. Easy to begin.

    Our network of Schaumburg therapists partner with insurances and neighboring healthcare providers in the community to ensure your counseling needs are met in the most efficient way possible. Regardless of your insurance or financial situation, we have flexible payment plans in place so that nothing can stop you from getting the help you or your loved one needs.

    Ready to get started?

    Book instantly with a licensed therapist who accepts your insurance and is available to see you online or in-person.

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