Child & Teen Counseling in Livonia

Child & Teen Counseling in Livonia

  • Online Therapy Available
  • Flexible Payment Plans
  • Insurance Accepted

Sometimes kids, like adults, can benefit from therapy. Luckily, there's mental health help in Livonia.

Many children and teens need help coping with stress and a variety of emotional and behavioral issues. Child & teen counseling in Livonia is an absolutely invaluable resource for families in times of crisis, or when everyday life starts to wear down their ability to calmly handle situations. Our network of Livonia counselors help children succeed in navigating stress from school, bullying, peer pressure, depression & anxiety, life changes like divorce, behavioral issues, and learning disorders like ADD/ADHD.

By taking a proactive approach to improve the relationship with your child and correcting the inevitable issues that crop up, our network of child & teen counselors are the lynchpin in your successful parenting strategy.

Common Teen Issues

Academic struggles Anxiety Being bullied Depression Handling divorce Substance abuse

It’s never too early for therapy.

There’s a common stigma against therapy for children and teens, but it’s important to understand that psychotherapy is a drug-free, confidential, and nonjudgmental space for your child to explore what they may be going through. Our network of Livonia counselors keep parents in the loop and go at a pace that works in the best interest of the client. If there are any indications your child may need additional help or support, our team of child behavioral therapists can provide them with their invaluable experience.

Did you know?

One in 5 teens between the ages of 13-18 has or will be, diagnosed with a serious mental illness. ADHD is one of the most common mental health disorders at 9.4% for youth from 2-17 years of age. Eight percent of youth ages 13-18 have an anxiety disorder.

Improve communication at home.

Imagine being fully confident that your child or teen would tell you everything- communicating their problems, needs, wants, fears, and more both effectively and honestly. It’s not a pipedream- you can have an honest, open line of communication with your children through smart parenting. Let us help identify where improvements can be made and give you the skills to make them.

Improve academic performance.

Often parents are prompted to bring their children to see a counselor after an issue at school prompts a referral by social workers or school personnel. There’s no shame in this, and it’s the first step toward identifying changes that need to be made and how to make them. Our network of Livonia counselors are your partners in improving your child’s academic performance, peer relationships, and interaction with adult staff. With the skills our network of counselors can impart to your child or teen, you’ll find yourself getting better results from requests of your children, and issues will be more proactively addressed

What should you expect?

Many of the therapists and psychologists in our network will meet initially with one or both parents to get a better understanding of their concerns and the history of their child’s problem. Following the completion of the initial assessment, your child’s therapist will offer a treatment plan, which may include individual sessions with your child, sessions with your child and either one or both parents, or other members of the family.

Our network of therapists routinely offer suggestions or “homework” to both the child and parents. These exercises are designed to assist children in learning new coping and problem-solving skills and to offer parents alternative strategies for responding to their children’s problematic moods and behaviors.

Our network of therapists are versed in parenting challenges & strategies, as well as child developmental and behavioral concerns. Some of the topics we address are:

  • Child Behavioral Problems
  • Depression in Children & Teens
  • Evaluation and Treatment of ADD/ADHD
  • Symptoms of ADD/ADHD
  • Anti-Bullying Coping Strategies
  • Autism & Aspergers Symptoms

    Online. In-person. Easy to begin.

    Once you’ve decided to find a therapist, the last thing you want to do is spend hours searching for the right one and days waiting for a call back. We get it. We’re passionate about simplifying the process of getting started with therapy so that you can start feeling better as soon as possible.

    Ready to get started?

    Book instantly with a licensed therapist who accepts your insurance and is available to see you online or in-person.

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