3 Common Problems in the First Year of Marriage

3 Common Problems in the First Year of Marriage

Common problems in the first year of marriage, as depicted by a bride and groom lightly holding hands.

There are common problems in the first year of marriage as the excitement and newness wear off and reality sets in. More often than not, married life is far different than dating and little differences that seemed unimportant or non-existent can turn into major conflicts. While these are common problems newlyweds encounter, they deserve to be addressed by a therapist.

Common problems in the first year of marriage


Couples have a hard time talking about household finances, particularly in cases where partners consolidate their income into joint accounts. In all cases, money is a sensitive topic, and core values need to be discussed and aligned to ensure long-term happiness. By seeking counseling, couples can explore concerns about finances in a secure, private environment with an objective party. Additionally, counseling can be of immense importance in relieving financing stress, and determining shopping and spending habits, situations that might escape unnoticed in personal discussions about financial matters.

Defining Roles

When homes and lives are combined, newly married couples may have a hard time navigating responsibilities and expectations. Assumptions as to who will pay bills, clean house, take care of children and pets, and make important decisions can be detrimental to the relationship if they’re unexpected or unreasonably burdensome. By seeking out a marriage counselor, couples can review and negotiate their roles, while focusing on how they’re helping each other, rather than how much their partner is letting them down.


Getting married means redefining boundaries. Newlyweds need to decide how to navigate relationships with their parents, and how to stay connected in a way that’s not disruptive to their marriage. Problems that crop up include siding with parents against your spouse, relying on parent’s decision making and input, and failure to set boundaries on what parents can hold sway over. As newly married individuals, it’s important to continue to honor your parents, but never in a way that dishonors or diminishes your spouse.

Getting help

At Great Lakes Psychology Group, we strive to create a positive, proactive environment for newlyweds to discuss their problems and create long-term strategies that make them stronger than the day they said: “I do.” That’s why we make it easy to find your best-fit therapist at findmytherapist.com.

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