3 Tips for Adjusting to Remote Learning
Child & Teen

3 Tips for Adjusting to Remote Learning

A woman helping her child with adjusting to remote learning.

Worried about your child adjusting to remote learning?

The beginning of a new school year is upon us, and many parents of school-aged children are facing the specific challenges that come along with navigating remote learning. Tasked with finding ways to balance other obligations with monitoring their child’s schoolwork, parents are feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and worried.

3 tips for adjusting to remote learning:

1. Adjust your expectations

Naturally, you may be worried that your child will fall behind academically, socially, and developmentally given the changes and potential limitations that will come along with remote learning. It’s normal to feel worried about these things. A great deal of uncertainty comes along with the switch to remote learning, and uncertainty tends to put us on edge. Beyond that, you are being asked to take on new roles, and you might be feeling nervous about how successfully you will be able to balance multiple roles. Along the way, you will probably feel guilty that your child is not getting what they need at all times.

Remember not to blame yourself for a situation that is out of your hands. Work on accepting that your child’s learning environment will look quite different for a while. To do this, shift your focus from what your child will be missing out on. Instead, channel your energy into setting them up for success as much as possible given the circumstances.

2. Designate a space for learning 

Having a space designated for learning will help your child to stay focused, and organizing their supplies in this space will ensure they have what they need nearby for every school activity. In choosing how and where to designate a learning space, take into consideration your child’s age. For example, younger kids might need to be more centrally located so they can be monitored, whereas older kids might not need as much supervision.

Also, consider your child’s learning style: some kids might be able to focus when other people are around, but other kids might need silence and minimal distractions in order to be successful. Next, consider the layout of your home and how it could be arranged to function best for the whole family. If space is limited, try using a room divider or a large plant to create a separate space.

Also, keep in mind that creating a learning space does not have to be expensive: a folding table will work just as well as a desk. Click here for more tips on designating a learning space for your child.

3. Don’t neglect your own self-care

Juggling the demands of remote learning with all your other responsibilities is likely to feel stressful at times. That’s why it will be especially important that you remember to prioritize your own self-care and mental health along with the needs of your family. If the mood at home feels stressful and chaotic, this will only be more detrimental to your child’s learning and development.

If you are suffering, know that help is available from the safety of your own home. GLPG makes it easy to get started with online therapy. If you’d prefer to start online therapy in the wake of the pandemic but anticipate that you’d prefer to switch to in-office therapy at some point, you have the option of choosing a therapist located in your community.

Ready to prioritize your mental health?

Great Lakes Psychology Group is here to help. With an extensive network of caring therapists available to meet online or in-person, we make it easy to find the right fit for your unique needs.