How GLPG Differs From Subscription Services

Wondering how Great Lakes Psychology Group differs from subscription services?
In recent years, online therapy has gained significant popularity as a convenient and accessible option for receiving mental health care. With a plethora of online therapy platforms to choose from, finding the right one can be overwhelming.
While the online therapy market has seen a surge in subscription-based services, Great Lakes Psychology Group stands out with a distinct approach that sets us apart from the rest. Great Lakes Psychology Group’s long-standing presence in the mental health care field, coupled with our extensive network of therapists across multiple states, ensures that you have access to a wealth of expertise and resources. But the benefits don’t stop there. Here are 5 important ways Great Lakes Psychology Group’s online therapy services set us apart from the others.
How Great Lakes Psychology Group differs from subscription services
Insurance accepted
For those looking for access to affordable mental health care online, insurance coverage is an important consideration. Subscription-based online therapy services are generally not billable to insurance and require an out-of-pocket recurring fee. Not only do we accept insurance, we will also verify it for you and provide a cost estimate prior to your first session.
Local therapists
Subscription-based online therapy services are exclusively web-based, precluding the ability to meet your therapist in person. At Great Lakes Psychology Group, the option for in-person sessions is available to anyone who wishes to visit any of our conveniently located brick-and-mortar offices.
Personalized care
Other online therapy services are limited in that their therapists may not be able to make accurate diagnoses, which may limit their ability to offer appropriate, evidence-based treatments. At Great Lakes Psychology Group, online therapy clients will have access to professional quality mental health treatment that is held to the same standard of care as in-person therapy. This means that your therapist will be able to make a diagnosis if applicable and formulate an effective treatment plan based on your individual needs.
Coordination of care
Unlike subscription-based online therapy platforms, Great Lakes Psychology Group prioritizes coordination of care with other professionals (e.g., primary care physicians, psychiatrists, physical therapists, etc.) to ensure optimal treatment for each of our clients. For example, coordination of care may be an especially important consideration for those with existing health conditions, those currently taking or in need of medication, those with chronic pain, and more.
Live support staff
We offer direct lines of communication to a full-service support staff who will provide timely answers to your questions. Our support staff is standing by to match you with a therapist who fits your needs, schedule your appointment at a time that works for you, and provide you with an expected cost for therapy.
Experience therapy with Great Lakes Psychology Group
We are excited to be offering our quality services online in keeping with our commitment to make quality mental health care available for all. The availability of online therapy will offer more flexibility for those currently in therapy and those who are just getting started.
Great Lakes Psychology Group’s network of therapists cover a wide range of specializations, and we are confident that we can help you find the right therapist for you. If you are considering online or in-person therapy, our friendly support staff is standing by to help you get started.
Ready to prioritize your mental health?
Great Lakes Psychology Group is here to help. With an extensive network of caring therapists available to meet online or in-person, we make it easy to find the right fit for your unique needs.